WordPress database error: [Table 'bryanth1_wp597.wpvo_spbc_traffic_control_logs' doesn't exist]
SELECT SUM(entries) as total_count FROM `wpvo_spbc_traffic_control_logs` WHERE md5_ip = 'af06e42befb4dfb7cf335024dac95a16' AND interval_start < '1713241309' AND 65747;

WordPress database error: [Table 'bryanth1_wp597.wpvo_spbc_traffic_control_logs' doesn't exist]
INSERT INTO wpvo_spbc_traffic_control_logs SET id = '93f22cd24302102e9748aba255607b71', log_type = 0, ip = '', md5_ip = 'af06e42befb4dfb7cf335024dac95a16', entries = 1, interval_start = 1713240000 ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE ip = ip, md5_ip = md5_ip, entries = entries + 1, interval_start = 1713240000;

WordPress database error: [Table 'bryanth1_wp597.wpvo_spbc_scan_signatures' doesn't exist]
SELECT * FROM wpvo_spbc_scan_signatures WHERE type = "WAF_RULE";

WordPress database error: [Table 'bryanth1_wp597.wpvo_spbc_firewall_logs' doesn't exist]
INSERT INTO wpvo_spbc_firewall_logs SET entry_id = '616bc5e2f45ea5b2f83bbe9fe6193466', ip_entry = '', entry_timestamp = 1713241309, status = 'PASS', pattern = IF('' = '', NULL, ''), signature_id = IF(0 = 0, NULL, 0), triggered_for = IF('' = '', NULL, ''), requests = 1, page_url = 'https://www.thebernsco.com/product/unicarriers-america-nut-01400-00027/', http_user_agent = 'claudebot', request_method = 'GET', x_forwarded_for = IF('' = '', NULL, ''), network = IF('0' = '' OR '0' IS NULL, NULL, 0), mask = IF('0' = '' OR '0' IS NULL, NULL, 0), country_code = IF('' = '', NULL, ''), is_personal = 0 ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE ip_entry = ip_entry, entry_timestamp = 1713241309, status = 'PASS', pattern = IF('' = '', NULL, ''), signature_id = IF(0 = 0, NULL, 0), triggered_for = IF('' = '', NULL, ''), requests = requests + 1, page_url = 'https://www.thebernsco.com/product/unicarriers-america-nut-01400-00027/', http_user_agent = http_user_agent, request_method = 'GET', x_forwarded_for = IF('' = '', NULL, ''), network = IF('0' = '' OR '0' IS NULL, NULL, 0), mask = IF('0' = '' OR '0' IS NULL, NULL, 0), country_code = IF('' = '', NULL, ''), is_personal = 0

WordPress database error: [Table 'bryanth1_wp597.wpvo_sbb_visitorslog' doesn't exist]
SELECT count(*) FROM `wpvo_sbb_visitorslog` WHERE ip = '' AND `date` >= CURDATE()- interval 7 day ORDER BY `date` DESC

WordPress database error: [Table 'bryanth1_wp597.wpvo_sbb_blacklist' doesn't exist]
SELECT botnickname, id FROM wpvo_sbb_blacklist WHERE `botstate` LIKE 'Enabled'

WordPress database error: [Table 'bryanth1_wp597.wpvo_sbb_badips' doesn't exist]
SELECT botip FROM wpvo_sbb_badips WHERE `botip` = '' and `botstate` = 'Enabled'

WordPress database error: [Table 'bryanth1_wp597.wpvo_posts' doesn't exist]
SELECT * FROM wpvo_posts WHERE ID = 33743 LIMIT 1

WordPress database error: [Table 'bryanth1_wp597.wpvo_posts' doesn't exist]
SELECT * FROM wpvo_posts WHERE ID = 33744 LIMIT 1

WordPress database error: [Table 'bryanth1_wp597.wpvo_posts' doesn't exist]
SELECT wpvo_posts.ID FROM wpvo_posts WHERE 1=1 AND wpvo_posts.post_type = 'sidebar' AND ((wpvo_posts.post_status = 'publish')) ORDER BY wpvo_posts.post_date DESC LIMIT 0, 200